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Yours now forever

Immagina di affrontare il viaggio dell'allattamento e di averlo salvato solo nella tua memoria? Per chi allatta, il sogno di immortalare l'allattamento diventa realtà con Lackto. Siamo pionieri nei gioielli fai da te con il latte materno e vogliamo aiutarti a realizzare questo sogno! Questo kit contiene due soluzioni magiche, così puoi mescolarle al tuo latte e trasformarle in un ciondolo con il latte materno. E la cosa migliore di tutte: l'esperienza di realizzare il gioiello è tutta tua! Il kit include tutti gli elementi necessari per realizzarlo, oltre a una guida super educativa per realizzare i tuoi gioielli senza uscire di casa. È semplicissimo! Ti garantiamo che funzionerà! La prova di ciò è la nostra garanzia incondizionata di 30 giorni.
❤️ Make your own Breast Milk jewelry with an Exclusive 60% Discount!


We are offering an unmissable 60% discount for you to be part of this team of + 100 thousand mothers who have immortalized breastfeeding around the world. We want you to have this unique experience too!


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🚨 ULTIME ORE PER QUESTA OFFERTA ESCLUSIVA! Approfitta subito di questa super opportunità per acquistare MotherLove a una frazione del prezzo originale.


Get MotherLove right now with a 60% discount and materialize all your connection in breast milk jewelry. Don't let this promotion slip away!


Items that are part of the kit:
A silicone mold chosen by you.

Two solutions that will make the magic happen;

A pipette to collect the exact measure of breast milk;

A stirrer to homogenize the mixtures;

Sandpaper to finish the piece;

A pair of gloves to protect your hands;

A link that will give the jewelry the finishing touch;

A super easy and didactic guide to instructions.
⏰ Ricorda, questa promozione è valida per un periodo di tempo limitato! ⏰

Domande Frequenti:


It’s a magical experience. I had all the necessary assistance, and when it was ready, I was very moved, because knowing that I am eternalizing my milk, is priceless.

Anyelle Torno

It was beyond expectations... I loved from the affectionate service until the little piece is ready... every detail is magical and unique and a great gift to represent this breastfeeding that donates both of us as a mother!

Nayane Mancz

My experience was amazing making the breast milk jewel. Something unique and very special that will become eternal!

Mariana Collina Scanavaca

I was very moved to realize the dream of eternalizing my jewelry, placed there all phase of feeding in a beautiful breast milk jewel. Thank you, Lackto, for thinking of us moms.

Jacymara Souza

Very special for me to be able to eternalize this beautiful moment that is breastfeeding... Thank you, Lackto, for providing something so beautiful. Congratulations on your work!

Leticia Lima

I loved being able to make my jewelry from my own home. Eternal memory of my son’s breastfeeding.

Fernanda Nadaline